Techno Economic Viability – Igaa
  • Techno Economic Viability

Growing Supplier Relationships with Data

GAA Project Appraisal Services helps banks, financial institutions and equity investors to carry out an exhaustive appraisal of projects prior to funding.

GAA Project Appraisal Services provide a comprehensive assessment of all the risk factors such as market, technical & financial and delivers customised reports that meet the client’s requirement. These reports are prepared keeping in mind specific customers’ needs and hence contains enhanced information and analytical content.

GAA’s Project Appraisal Services:

Comprehensive, Innovative & Practical


Techno Economic Viability Reports (TEV)


Assess the viability of the project from technical,

market and financial perspective.


Lender’s Independent Engineer’s Study(LIE)


Assess the extent of work completed in the post-sanction stage of the project vis-à-vis planned/scheduled timeframes.


What is Project Appraisal Services?

GAA’s Project Appraisal Services is an assessment methodology and process to evaluate projects. The methodology achieves a fine balance between information availability and the risk factors of a project for ascertaining the project quality.

What are the Benefits of Project Appraisal Services?

Project sponsors often find it difficult to bring the requisite share of their equity funding in the project as originally envisaged in the funding plan which ultimately results into cost and time overruns, thereby having negative impact on project viability. As part of the Project Appraisal Services, a comprehensive project report is prepared that cover aspects related to technical, industrial, and financial prospects. The project report helps investors, banks and financial institutions validate their own research findings and make informed decisions. The neutral assessment and analysis conducted across various dimensions assist the project sponsors to better understand the risks involved in order to formulate strategies to mitigate the same.

How To Use It?

GAA Project Appraisal Services help you assess the viability of a project, to undertake a reliable and objective decision, to approve or reject the project through evaluation and analysis regarding project feasibility and cost-effectiveness.

It involves calculating the feasibility of the project before committing resources to it and making comparison between various options using the following appraisal techniques.


Assessment of key project aspects including requirements for raw material, level of capacity utilisation, anticipated sales, anticipated expenses and the probable profits.


Assessment of the financial requirements both – fixed capital and working capital.


It involves the assessment of anticipated market for the product including demand, supply and competitive analysis.


It involves the adequacy assessment of the proposed project including infrastructure, manpower planning, utility requirement, quality control and various other technological processes.


Management ability or competence plays an important role in making a project a success or otherwise. The study involves the experience and capability assessment of key persons proposed to handle the project.

Get Your Project Appraised Today!

A one-time detailed project assessment report that will help you

    • Conduct third-party assessment.
    • Improve funding prospects.
    • As an effective marketing tool.
    • Highlight Risk Areas.
    • Get empanelled with esteemed organisations / banks / financial institutions.