Business Valuation – Igaa
Business Valuation
  • Business Valuation

Business Valuation

Businesses seek valuations for various purposes, including corporate governance, regulatory compliance, and informed decision-making. Whether planning a major acquisition, resolving shareholder or joint venture disputes, or bridging the gap between intrinsic and market value, precise business valuation is indispensable.

At GAA, our valuation experts meticulously analyze the unique dynamics and key value drivers of your business. By leveraging extensive experience and applying the most relevant valuation methodologies, we provide invaluable insights. Our profound sector knowledge, combined with meticulous benchmarking analysis, ensures that we deliver comprehensive and dependable valuation advice.

Business Valuation Requirements:
    • Companies Act Valuations
    • Valuation for Corporate Restructuring: Merger/Demerger
    • Acquisition-related Valuations
    • Valuation for Impairment Testing
    • Fund Raising Purposes
    • Fairness Opinion on a Transaction
    • Valuation for Debt Restructuring
    • ESOP Valuations
    • 409A Valuations
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